Village In Beautiful Setting
November 28, 2016
Minecraft Seed: -1129078060
I’m using 1.10.2, so I don’t know how many versions it works in, so I apologize for that!
Spawn very close to a large (possibly a double) Plains village. The village is located near an Ocean, a Taiga, a Forest, and a Savanna. A lonely tree can be found at x=225 y=77 z=257.551 near an interestingly shaped beach. The village has one Blacksmith. In the chest I found 6 apples, 1 set of iron horse armor, 1 iron chest plate, 1 pair of iron leggings, and 5 iron ingots. There are also 5 farms within the village. There are lots of animals and trees. There is also a lot of flat land and cool land features. This could very well be a good one for building! Have fun! 😀