Minecraft Seed: 1661488210292900564
Hello! This Is A cool 1.8.9 Seed! Sorry its outdated But I couldn’t Resist! You Spawn In A savanna biome. Just go straight forward and you will see a village!! And in the Black smith you will find, 4 iron,3 gold,3 apples and a SADDLE! and 5 oak saplings and a iron chest plate! and just behind the blacksmith There is a desert! and if you go strait forward from the blacksmith into the desert you will eventually hit a huge sand hill! go over it and you will find a well! keep going straight until you find a 5×7 hole, then their will be a dungeon with a skeleton spawner! (remember you can find dungeons in a desert biome Easily by finding a 5×5 square of sand, a 5×7 square of sand or a 7×7 square of sand and a few blocks deep) In this case, The hole will be 5×7 space! just dig around and you will find the chest! (their is a screenshot of whats in the chest! The first screenshot is the village the second is the blacksmith chest the third is the dungeon loot!