1.16.4 Mixed Biomes Villages
Minecraft Seed: -7023742535305175004
Moutain Village spawn with biomes like: (high mountains, sunflower plains, forest, swamp, frozen ocean, birch forest, dark forest, giant tree taiga) nearby
Interesting villages in the area:
[1604, 372] – stronghold & dessert village (next to: desert temple, shipwreck, portal ruins)
[660, -784] – plains swamp village (next to: witch hut)
[-300, 868] – savanna jungle village (next to: desert temple, pillager outpost, jungle temple)
[580, 1540] – plains dark forest taiga village (plains village on a lake mixed with dark forest and taiga right next to swamp and savanna)
[1780, 2196] – plains jungle village (next to: jungle temple)
[2932, -444] – island village (next to reef)
[1284, 1332] – plains forest swamp village (right next to desert and mountains)
[836, 3892] – savanna desert village (next to jungle)
[516, 4852] – dark forest village (next to taiga nad birch forest)
[-668, 4404] – shore giant tree tiga village
[756, 3172] – village partly in the mountain (next to jungle)
[1620, -492] – shore village
[599, 798] – river village next to flower forest
[383, 807] -desert hills village next to a giant ruined portal
[2776, -7794] – eroded badlands surrounded by the ocean and giant reef
[3944, 4264] & [5192, 5496] & [5240, 6800] – 3x mushroom islands close to each other