1.14.3 – Ice Spikes with Two Villages and Pillager Outpost
July 10, 2019
Minecraft Seed: 4602361958610603917
An ice spikes biome surrounded by a snowy tundra, two villages (one with an igloo), a taiga, a snowy taiga, an ocean monument, a boat, and a pillager outpost. There are also multiple ravines under both villages.
Coords: 0, -300 There is the ice spikes and the two villages to your side.
Coords: 68, -362 The Igloo
Coords: -230, -136 The Pillager Outpost
Coords: 359, -910 Boat
Coords: 707, -866 Ocean Monument
Also there might be a coral reef somewhere because there is a huge area of pure lukewarm ocean, but I couldn’t find one but you might be able to.